Thursday, August 30, 2012

Random bits from the internet

Hey all, still busy with work amongst other things, and while I think I may have finally overcome my latest artist's block I have nothing finished yet to show for it (that will come later).

Instead I thought i'd update to show off some articles that I found interesting whilst perusing the open vastness of the internet.

First up we have an article talking about Disney's new short film Paperman, which is supposed to debut before the upcoming videogame homage movie, Wreck It Ralph: (CLicK Me!)

Next up is a short but sweet interview with (one of my) favorite comic book artists Fiona Staples about her work on the excellent Saga series, also gives a peek at the cover for issue #8: (cLickY cliCKY)

Now I know that this isn't necessarily a personal update, but I thought that I'd share some of the creative stuff that I've been reading around the internet. Promise that the next update will have some sort of art to go with it

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sorry, been a bit busy!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately...been busy with school stuff, summer vacation, and finally the dreaded artist's block (thought I had overcome it, but alas...).

So whilst I struggle to get over my drawing funk i'll post a bit of a project I started the other day.